Tuesday, December 7, 2010


  1. Don't ban people from your life because they don't live up to your expectations.
  2. Do let go of relationships that aren't fulfilling their purpose in your life.
  3. Don't throw a temper tantrum and be mean to those that #2 applies to.
  4. Do expect and give respect in all relationships.
  5. Don't expect more from someone than you are willing to give.
  6. Do go out of your way to do random acts of kindness, but be spontaneous so that it does not become an expectation from others.
  7. Don't expect a toad to turn into a prince.
  8. Do expect good things, they are all around you.
  9. Don't expect to be a natural the first time you try anything.
  10. Do expect the unexpected.
The end of my expectation musings. Carry on.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sensitive - Handle with Care

I have this little monster that lives inside of my stomach. He's more like a hibernating bear and when something wakes him up, he's like an all consuming demon.

I got really angry the other day and I realized it was because I expected something from someone who was never going to live up to that expectation.

My solution? Ban them.

I know all the "feel good" stuff about not expecting so much and you won't be disappointed. I have a better solution. Get rid of the baggage in your life that doesn't live up to your expectations.

I think that I have been playing this same record my entire life. ...Get everyone to love you and you can love yourself... Nope. Love yourself and ban everyone who doesn't love you too.

...now maybe my bear can go back to sleep...


p.s. ...if they aren't living up to your expectations, you are probably both better off moving on and finding people that are more compatible...